BC legal info - photos of Vancouver Supreme Court, Victoria Provincial Legislature Bldg, Victoria and Nanaimo Courts, Vancouver trade centre

VICTORIA BC Personal Injury / Motor Vehicle Accident Claims - Lawyers Directory

ICBC Basics: Intro. Article


The lawyers below offer a range of personal injury law services dealing with:  ICBC Motor Vehicle Accident-Injuries / Catastrophic Injuries from MVA / Slip & Fall Injuries / Pedestrian Casualties

Most lawyers will with an appointment provide an initial one-half hour free consultation to help you assess your case.

Michael Mark, Victoria ICBC claims disputes, personal injury plaintiffs lawyer wearing  trial robes
  Michael O'Connor,LLB Queens Counsel, experienced personal injury lawyer
Michael O'Connor
  Charlotte Salomon, personal injury lawyer, experienced in ICBC claims disputes &  settlements e.g. catastrophic brain injury cases,  -  CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Charlotte Salomon
  Dirk Ryneveld,Queens Counsel, experienced in personal injury, insurance claims disputes, as well as strong background in criminal law serving as e.g. Criminal Prosecutor in the International court at the Hague for the Kosovo war crime trial(s) of Milosovic, as well as being a former BC Police Complaints Commissioner
Dirk Ryneveld, LLB  Q.C.
Jessica Kliman, JD personal injury lawyer - click for more profile info and contact info

Suite #420 - 880 Douglas St.
Victoria, B.C.  Canada V8W 2B7
Phone  250-385-1383   Toll free:  1-888-385-1383

Map to office

McConnan Bion O'Conner Peterson Law Firm  -  ICBC Personal Injury Lawyers in the Business District of  Downtown Victoria, photo is of lawyer Charlotte Salomon, QC,  senior partner with the firm

"Personal injury covers a broad range of situations, from:
- automobile accidents,
- slip and falls,
- medical malpractice, and
- product malfunctions.

All of these are characterized by some form of wrongful bodily injury to the individual.  If you have been injured in a wrongful manner, whatever the cause, you have the right to seek compensation for that injury."

Michael Mark, experienced personal injury - ICBC claims disputes  trial lawyer in downtown Victoria


Preferred area of practice: 
  -  Personal Injury Law, ICBC auto accident injuries claims disputes & settlements;
  -  Wills-Estate Litigation; and
  -  general civil litigation.

Michael has extensive experience in both civil litigation and in criminal litigation as a former Federal prosecutor in drug, and Canada Revenue Agency CRA complex tax evasion cases. 

Michael has practiced in Victoria since his admission to the Bar in 1991 and he became a principal at McConnan, Bion, O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation in January 2000.  He is also a past executive member of the Victoria Bar Association.

Michael Mark, barrister & solicitor
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone  250-385-1383   Toll free  1-888-385-1383
E-mail:  mmark@mcbop.com   Web Site:  www.mcbop.com/michael-r-mark
Map to office 880 Douglas St. Victoria, BC
CLICK TO LARGE Victoria street map location for personal injury ICBC disputes lawyers with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson law corp

Charlotte Salomon, QC, personal injury lawyer, experienced in ICBC car accident injuries claims disputes e.g. catastrophic brain injury cases , plus , wills, residential real estate conveyancing, and  general civil litigation cases in Victoria

Charlotte Salomon,
BA (York U.), JD (U.Vic.), QC

Charlotte's preferred area of practise is personal injury ICBC claims disputes settlements and civil litigation.

She also is experienced in Wills and Powers of Attorney, Estate Administration and Probate, Real Estate Conveyancing and Financing.

Charlotte's community involvement and professional development activities include being:

  • President of the Victoria BC Bar Association, 2010
  • Chair of the Canadian Bar Association, Civil Litigation Section, Vancouver Island, 2007 - 2009

Charlotte Salomon, QC
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone:  250-385-1383
Toll free:  1-888-385-1383
Email:  csalomon@mcbop.com
Web Site: http://www.mcbop.com/charlotte-a-salomon-qc/
Map to office 880 Douglas St.
CLICK TO LARGE Victoria street map location for office of Charlotte Salomon, QC,  personal injury lawyer  ICBC claims settlement disputes - with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson law corp

Michael O'Connor,  over 30 years experience as personal injury lawyer in Victoria

Michael James O'Connor,

Michael has been a Founding Partner at McConnan, Bion, O'Connor & Peterson since 1976. 

Michael's preferred areas of practise include:
- personal injury ICBC claims, traumatic brain injury litigation,
- wills and estates
- conveyancing,
- as well as all forms of civil litigation, including expropriation, property tax assessment appeals and contract disputes.

Michael was appointed Queen's Counsel in 2006.  Michael chaired the highly successful Capital Campaign of the Greater Victoria Hospital Foundation, "Together We Care", raising 17 million dollars for the hospitals on Southern Vancouver Island. 
In 2007 he was the Master of Ceremonies at the Victoria Hospital's Foundation Gala, on November 17, 2007 which raised over $387,000 for "Visions [fundraising event] will be used to support The Royal Jubilee Hospital's (RJH) Ophthalmology Division and purchase a Retinal Microscope and Camera. RJH's Ophthalmology Division is the referral site for all Vancouver Island patients requiring specialized eye surgery." [cited in www.victoriahf.ca]
[see also www.viha.ca Vancouver Island Health Authority - Hospitals info.]

He is a member of the CH Channel 6 [TV Station] Community Advisory Board and a Trustee of the British Columbia Government House Foundation. He has held several executive positions with several sports bodies at the local, Provincial and National levels.  He is the Vice Past Chairman of the 1994 Commonwealth Games held at Victoria, BC.

Michael J. O'Connor, BA, LLB, QC
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone:  250-385-1383    Toll free:  1-888-385-1383
Email:  moconnor@mcbop.com
Web Site:  http://www.mcbop.com/michael-j-oconnor-qc/
Map to office 880 Douglas St.
CLICK TO LARGE Victoria street map location for office of Michael O'Connor, Queens Counsel,  personal injury lawyer  ICBC claims settlement disputes - with McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson law corp

see also BrainInjury.claims

Dirk Ryneveld, QC personal injury lawyer and legal advisor to Government clients

LL.B (U of S 1971), Called to Bar of BC 1972

Areas of practice:
- Legal Advisor to Government Clients
- Personal Injury Law
- Real Estate
- Wills & Estates

Toll free:  1-888-385-1383

Dirk joined McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law Corp. as Senior Associate Counsel in June 2009, after a six-year term as Police Complaint Commissioner for BC.  Prior to that, Dirk was a Senior Trial Attorney from 1999 - 2003 at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at the Hague, as lead counsel for the prosecution of the Kosovo component of the Slobodan Milosevic trial.  He has also appeared at all levels of court in British Columbia and the Supreme Court of Canada, as Deputy Regional Crown Counsel from 1974 - 1999.

Although he is currently primarily engaged in prosecutions for the Federal Crown, Dirk has a varied litigation practice advising both private and government clients.  His practice also includes personal injury claims, real estate matters and wills and estates.

Dirk has frequently lectured on international criminal law at conferences in Europe and in Canada.  He has also trained and instructed Iraqi Judges on international criminal law in Dubai on behalf of the International Bar Association.  Dirk is a member of the International Association of Prosecutors; is past President of the Canadian Association of Civilian Oversight Law Enforcement, and a past elected representative of the Canadian Bar Association for Victoria.

DIRK RYNEVELD, Q.C., Barrister & Solicitor
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7

Phone: 250-385-1383
Toll free:  1-888-385-1383
Email:  dryneveld@mcbop.com Website: www.mcbop.com/dirk-ryneveld-qc/
Map to office 880 Douglas St.
CLICK TO STREET MAP OF 880 Douglas St., Victoria  office of Dirk Ryneveld, QC, personal injury lawyer

Jessica Kliman, JD , associate lawyer with  McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson , personal injury  team


An associate of McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson following her call to the bar in 2017.  Jessica's areas of practice include:

 - Personal injury see also www.mcbop.com/personal-injury ;
 - Employment;
 - Estate Litigation; and
 - General civil litigation see www.mcbop.com/civil-litigation.

 - Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), University of Western Ontario (2011)
 - Juris Doctor (J.D.), Bond University, Queensland, Australia (2015)

Call to the Bar:
 - British Columbia Bar, 2017

 - First in Class Award for Tort Law (2013) and Administrative Law (2014), Bond University
 - Dean's List Award (2013-2014)
 - Honours Distinction, Bond University (2015)

McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corp.
Suite # 420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone:  250-385-1383 
Toll free:  1-888-385-1383
Email:  jkliman@mcbop.com
Web:  www.mcbop.com/jessica-l-kliman
Map to office 880 Douglas St.
CLICK TO STREET MAP OF 880 Douglas St., Victoria  office of , Jessica Kliman,  personal injury lawyer

New ICBC CAPS on injury claims
New ICBC Caps

The BC Government amended the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and the Civil Resolution Tribunal Act.  These amendments change the way ICBC claims are processed in this province.

These changes will only affect injury claims for motor vehicle collision which occur on or after April 1, 2019.

Misty Hillard, personal injury / ICBC claims / WCB injuries lawyer

Misty Hillard, LLB
update 2017 - non-practising

Bruce R. McConnan, QC over 20 years experience with catastrophic injury  ICBC claims litigation - retired 2011

Bruce McConnan, BA, LLB, QC

retired 2011

We suggest you interview several law firms in advance of making a choice -- it can be a very expensive decision in both time, money and of course consequences.

Web site Disclaimer

This site lists lawyers with areas of practice including Personal Injury Law we advise you to verify if the lawyer is still maintaining their membership with the Law Society of BC by going to www.lawsociety.bc.ca as lawyers move or change areas of specialization over time.

The intent of this web-site is to provide "starting points" for people looking for sources of legal information and specialists.  Information on this web site is not to be seen as legal advice -- for that you directly consult a lawyer. 

This site is not endorsed by web sites to which it provides links to, unless otherwise noted, where a particular lawyer has volunteered to become a content contributor.


Errors or Omissions

If any lawyer-firm notes that we have made an error or omission in our mention of them on this web site, please send us email us with the appropriate information. 


Twenty Questions to Ask - Before You Hire a Lawyer

An excellent Checklist for someone to use in selecting a lawyer, has been prepared by the publishers of www.lawyers-bc.com/tips.htm.  You will find these guidelines useful for many types of lawyers.

Lawyers: Lorenzo Oss-Cech, Barri Marlatt, Dana Quantz, Esteban T. Kähs - CLICK TO FIRM WEBSITE

Barristers & Solicitors
#1 - 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria, B.C.
Canada V8W 1R3
Toll Free:  1-866-887-4878
Telphone:  (250) 360-2500
Web site:  www.hom-law.com
Map:   to office

Lorenzo Oss-Cech, personal injury, professional negligence, medical malpractice lawyer, fluent in Italian French and Spanish


Legal Practice focuses on Plaintiff's Personal Injury including: 

 - Brain Injury Settlements (click for more info)
 - ICBC Injury Claims & Settlements click for more info.
 - Medical Malpractice

He is also experienced in the areas of:
 - Civil Litigation
 - Construction & Building
 - Wealth Management & Estate Planning
 - Employment Law
 - Corporate Securities Litigation

Lorenzo is fluent in Italian, French and Spanish.

"Lorenzo spends his spare time playing competitive soccer and volunteering in various capacities.  He is an active participant in the Access to Justice pro-bono clinics, which offer free legal advice to people unable to afford it.  He was a board member of the YM-YWCA of Greater Victoria for 6 years, 2 of which as President.  He has participated in numerous political campaign at the municipal, provincial and federal level.

" Lorenzo is an active board member and legal counsel for The David Foster Foundation davidfosterfoundation.com, and the past chair of the YMCA/YWCA of Vancouver Island https://vancouverislandy.com." [quote from HOM-law.com 2017.07.11]

Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt

#1 – 505 Fisgard St.
Victoria B.C.
V8W 1R3
Tel: (250) 360-2500

Toll Free 1.866.887.4878

Website: www.hom-law.com/lawyers/lorenzo-g-oss-cech

Email: lgo@hom-law.com

CLICK ON MAP TO VIEWABLE Victoria Street map location of Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt personal injury  ICBC lawyers in downtown Victoria

CLICK Street map to office
(c/o Lawyers-bc.com)

Bari Marlatt, Personal Injury Lawyer

Barri Marlatt, LLB
Personal Injury Lawyer

Barri is particularly interested in brain injury litigation and devotes time to a local non-profit society in support of survivors of brain injury. (click for more information on our web site.)

Practices mainly in the areas of:

 - Personal Injury,
 - ICBC Claims Disputes,
see https://www.hom-law.com/resources/icbc-claims/icbc-caps-injured-info/ New ICBC CAPS on injury claims
 - Brain Injury,
 - Sexual Assault,
 - Wrongful Dismissal / Employment Law &
 - Wills Disputes

Bari Marlatt Barrister & Solicitor
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
#1 - 505 Fisgard Street, Victoria B.C.
V8W 1R3
Phone: (250) 360-2500
Toll Free: 1-866-887-4878
email:  bam@hom-law.com
website:  www.hom-law.com
Map:   to office

Dana Quantz, JD practises in:  personal injury ICBC claims disputes, WCB appeals, employment law and human rights in workplace

Barrister   Solicitor

Dana joined Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt in 2011 and has a broad civil litigation practice with an interest in:
  · personal injury,
  · labour and employment,
  · human rights, and
  ·defamation claims.

He has represented clients in all levels of the British Columbia court system as well as in the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal, the British Columbia Labour Relations Board, and the Employment Standards Branch.

Dana approaches each client’s concerns individually focusing on solving those concerns and finding a fair settlement.  If a fair settlement is not possible, then Dana has extensive trial and arbitration experience and will tirelessly work to prove a client’s claim at trial or arbitration.  He is accustomed to complex cases in all areas of civil litigation including administrative, constitutional, defamation, employment, human rights, and negligence.

Growing up in Airdrie, Alberta, Dana is an avid Calgary Flames fan. In the summer, he enjoys hiking, going to the beach, eating plant-based food, and pursuing his ambition of writing a brilliant book on moral philosophy.

Contact info.

   Phone: (250) 360-2500 ext. 213
   Email: dgq@hom-law.com
   Assistant: Katie Terry
   Assistant Email: kmt@hom-law.com

Dana Quantz, JD practises in:  personal injury ICBC claims disputes, WCB appeals, employment law and human rights in workplace

Representative Work
  · Motor Vehicle, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Collision Claims with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) involving Brain Injuries, Chronic Pain, Psychological Injuries, and Whiplash
  · Negligence Claims and Medical Malpractice Claims
  · Labour and Employment Claims for Wrongful Dismissal, Constructive Dismissal, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Defamation and Loss of Reputation, and Disciplinary Proceedings.
  · Workers Compensation Board and WorkSafeBC Claims, Reviews, Appeals, and Judicial Reviews
  · Complex Civil and Constitutional Litigation including Administrative, Constitutional, Human Rights, and
  · all forms of Defamation, Libel and Slander

Community Involvement
  · Lawyer Supervisor, Access Pro Bono Student Projects
  · Editorial Board Member, Verdict Magazine for Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia
  · Student Supervisor, Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition
  · Past Board Member, Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition
  · Past Executive Member, Canadian Bar Association Civil Litigation Subsection

Contact him for a free consultation.  He will do his best to ensure that you are properly represented.

CLICK ON MAP TO VIEWABLE Victoria Street map location of Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt personal injury  ICBC lawyers in downtown Victoria

Dana Quantz
Barrister & solicitor

Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt

#1 - 505 Fisgard St.

Victoria, B.C.
V8W 1R3

Phone: 250.360-2500
Email: dgq@hom-law.com

Map:   Street map to office one block from City Hall

Misty Hillard, personal injury / ICBC claims / WCB injuries lawyer Misty Hillard, LLB. (UVic)
Personal Injury & Family Law

UPDATE 2017:  Ms. Hillard is no longer practising as a lawyer.

Reid Fraser, JD associate lawyer with McBOP law firm practise in civil litigation, including, personal injury, creditor's remedies, family law etc.


Reid works in both the litigation and solicitor practice groups of McConnan Bion O'Connor Peterson Law firm.

Awards:  Top of Class, Contract Law, James Cook University (2014)

Since being called to the Bar in early 2018 Reid has represented clients at all levels of court in British Columbia and has trial experience in both the Provincial Court and Supreme Court of British Columbia.

Practice Areas

Reid Fraser,
McConnan Bion O'Connor & Peterson Law Corporation
Suite #420 - 880 Douglas Street,
Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 2B7
Phone:  250-385-1383    Toll free:  1-888-385-1383
Email:  rfraser@mcbop.com
Web Site:  www.mcbop.com/reid-fraser
Street Map:  downtown Victoria location near Court House

BC Personal Injury / Criminal Defense Law Practioners Profiles

Dil Gosal, BA JD LLM

Dil was called to the bar both in BC and Washington State and experienced in both Criminal Law and Personal Injury Law for both Canada and US visitors. He has degrees from UBC, Washington State Law School and New York State Law School

If you want to read about an introduction to Canada's Criminal Law and Jury System see his article on CanadaLegal.info at canada-criminal-law-courts.html

If you want to read about the Purpose and History of the Grand Jury in the USA, see his article here at USA-Grand-Jury-courts-ia.html

Dil Gosal is a contributing writer and photographer for this website, in the past he has also served as an instructor in the Kwantlen College Criminology Program.

see also Map of Metro Vancouver Personal Injury / ICBC Claims Lawyers lawyers-bc.com/...MetroVancouver-PI-map.html

McConnan Bion O'Conner Peterson Law Firm  -  ICBC Personal Injury Lawyers in the Business District of  Downtown Victorria, photo is of lawyer Charlotte Salomon, parnter with the firm

"Personal injury covers a broad range of situations, from automobile accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and product malfunctions.  All of these are characterized by some form of wrongful bodily injury to the individual.  If you have been injured in a wrongful manner, whatever the cause, you have the right to seek compensation for that injury."

Michael Mark, Victoria ICBC claims disputes, personal injury lawyer wearing  trial robes
Michael O'Connor,LLB Queens Counsel, experiened personal injury lawyer
Michael O'Connor
  Charlotte Salomon, Queens Counsel, personal injury lawyer, experienced in ICBC claims disuptes and settlements  e.g. for catastrophic brain injury cases -  CLICK FOR MORE INFO
Charlotte Salomon
  Dirk Ryneveld,Queens Counsel, experienced in personal injury, insurance claims disputes, as well as strong background in criminal law serving as e.g. Criminal Prosecutor in the International court at the Hague for the Kosovo war crime trial(s) of Milosovic, as well as being a former BC Police Complaints Commissioner
Dirk Ryneveld, LLB  Q.C.
Jessica Kliman, JD personal injury lawyer - click for more profile info and contact info

Suite #420 - 880 Douglas St.
Victoria, B.C.  Canada V8W 2B7
Phone  250-385-1383   Toll free:  1-888-385-1383

Clay & Company
Lawyers & Mediators

837 Burdett Avenue
PO Box 961
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 1B3
Phone:  250.386.2261
Website: www.clay.bc.ca

Larry Wong & Kelley Doerksen, personal injuyr lawyers office at 1628  Government  St., next to Chinatown

Kelly R. DOERKSEN, BSc. BEd. LL.B.
Personal Injury Lawyer

Preferred areas of legal practice:  Civil Litigation & Personal Injury Law

Kelly Doerksen was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 1990.  Prior to joining Larry Wong (then Wong & Marrs) as an associate in 1994, Kelly articled and practiced in the Victoria area.

Kelly graduated from the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in 1989 and also holds Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education undergraduate degrees.

Kelly is active with the Canadian Bar Association, CBA.org, as Chair of the Civil Litigation Subsection for Vancouver Island.  He is also a past director of the B.C. Schizophrenia Society and lectures in debtor/creditor law for the Bar Admission Program (PLTC).

Kelly R. Doerksen, barrister & solicitor
Wong Doerkson Lawyers
1618 Government Street
Victoria, B.C., V8W 1Z3
Telephone: (250) 381-7799
Website:  WongDoerksen.com
E-mail:  kdoerksen@wongdoerksen.com

Anne Sheane,  Diploma Nursing, LL.B.

Plaintiffs lawyer for:  Personal injury litigation including:  ICBC claims / MVA cases / Slip & fall injuries / Head & spine injuries.  She also handles cases for:  Medical negligence / Professional liability / Wrongful death.

Class Action Litigation cases include the Jericho Hill School for the Deaf - Students Class Action

Anne Sheane, barrister & solicitor
Suite 205 - Market Square,
560 Johnson Street,
Victoria, BC
Phone:  (250) 386-3080
[Note:  Wheelchair accessible office & Anne Sheane is a member of BBB Better Business Bureau]

For Reference Information

BC Association of Specialialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs


"... Since 1992, the Association has been a provincial voice for survivors of violence and the community-based services that support them.  We have created a strong communication network among Sexual Assault Centres, Woman Assault Centres, Specialized Victim Assistance programs and Since 1992, the Association has been a provincial voice for survivors of violence and the community-based services that support them. We have created a strong communication network among Sexual Assault Centres, Woman Assault Centres, Specialized Victim Assistance programs and Stopping the Violence Counselling programs across BC. We have also established important links with government, policy makers, legislators and other provincial organizations across BC.  We have also established important links with government, policy makers, legislators and other provincial organizations. " [quote fr. www.endingviolence.org 04.04.07 ]

Antiracism Diversity Program Development and Evaluation Services in BC


Adrienne S. Chan, Ph.D., a Vancouver based consultant in diversity / anti-racism / multiculturalism training, research, organizational development, program development and review. 

Page sponsors - Victoria & Vancouver realtor information

Multi-Lingual Realtors in Victoria, BC

Looking for a Victoria realtor who speaks English / Chinese Cantonese / Ciu Chow / Chinese Mandarin consider MLS award winning realtor Lucy Richardson, with Re/Max Camosun
see her web site at LucyRichardson.com or
see the Victoria Real Estate area of Metrotown.info


Looking for experienced Vancouver realtors who speaks English / Chinese Cantonese / Chinese Mandarin?  Consider realtor Rosy Yung.

Contact Realtor, Rosy Yung at:
Homeland Realty and Home Advantage Realty
200 - 8168 Granville St.,
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Phone:  604.263.7833
Web site:  www.SellsYourHome.com

see also some oter realtors at Metrotown.info Vancouver Real Estate

This page is in part sponsored by Lowe & Company CanadaVisalaw.com/home.htm as a public service.

Other Listings in CanadaLegal.info